The Galveston County Recovery Fund is a pop-up collective impact collective of Galveston-serving grantmaking foundations. We are not “always open” and we are not a standalone organization. Our structure intentionally allows us to be available as needed, and on to other things when we are not. We have found after four activations that this setup allows us to be very responsive and very efficient. Another lessen that we have learned is that we cannot be too prepared. So, we update our officers, policies and procedures, and website at the beginning of each hurricane season on a prayer that our work ends there.

In the event that a federally-declared disaster occurs in Galveston County, the GCRF activates. We assess the needs of our community, the organizations that might meet those needs, and we begin funding them so that people can begin to recover as quickly as possible.

We serve Galveston County by funding organizations and programs that are responding to whatever disaster we are facing.

We are led by representatives of each contributing organization, with one vote allotted to each foundation who contributes $10,000 or more to a specfic activation.